Journey Life

24 6 月

《南聊》am’s foods and goods

【旅行作為養分】- am’s foods and goods




店裡所有商品都強調「手做」,除了食物和咖啡外,也展示販售許多a和m從國外帶回來的手做衣飾、配件或者生活小物,對她們來說這些物品把店內的風格凝聚得更為完整。旅行對她們來說是能夠重獲生活熱情的好方法,因此一年都會出走個兩三次去不同地方看看。這個空間過去曾有過許多不同種類的店家,附近鄰居甚至還打賭過她們能撐多久,開業兩年至今她們能驕傲的說:「am’s foods and goods是唯一在這個地方撐過半年的地方,也期待未來的日子能有更多美好的事情在此發生。」



We are pleasure to interview m as the represent of am’s foods and goods near our neighborhood. She has shared that the cozy atmosphere and the Tainan casual living style is what brings she and a here to open their shop. These are also the spirits they try to set up in am’s foods and goods, you can visit whenever you like (in their business hour), and stay as longer as you want.

All the foods and goods in their store are hand-made. They believe that travel is the best way to add flavor to life so they visit abroad twice a year. The goods you can see in their shop are all from their journey, not only as a way to share their travel experience but also decorate their space more stylish.

Favorite Tainan Food: Lotus root Tea

Favorite Tainan Spot: Anping Tree House (Four years ago version)

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