Journey Life

16 7 月

《南聊》 Masa Loft

【處處蘊含驚喜的移動式咖啡】- Masa Loft


Masa Loft從2007年開業便主張關注人權、環境等公眾議題,YR在2015年接手後,更加強調Loft這個詞的概念,讓店內的桌椅因應不同活動移動調整,目前除了不停期舉行爵士演奏、國標舞活動、電影欣賞會等活動外,YR希望往後能有更多元的表演展覽在此發生。他形容Masa Loft的個性像是貓,歡迎每個來到這裡的人用最舒服的姿態懶在這裡。

出生在北部的YR,一開始移居台南時對於南方的「甜」多少有些不適應,在經過一段時間自己與台南的交互影響後,現在若是Masa Loft有包場外燴活動時,他常常會刻意在鹹點中加些紅糖,帶給客人驚喜。

YR認為台南最迷人的個性在於任何人都能夠以慢速、愜意的步調感受這個城市,若有朋友來台南,他特別推薦用建築的眼光欣賞。另外,台南的夜生活也有其迷人之處,大天后宮對面的TCRC和販售許多精釀啤酒的Barren Biergelden都是不錯的選擇。


Masa Loft focuses on human rights, environment and other public issues since they opened in 2007. The owner now YR took it over in 2015, and he emphasizes on the part ’Loft’. All the furniture is movable to be suitable for all kinds’ events. Now they occasionally hold events such as jazz performance, international standard dancing performance and film screening events. YR thinks Masa Loft is a space that like cats, he wants everyone can feel like home here.

YR has lived in Tainan over six years, when he first moved here from north Taiwan, he wasn’t really used to Tainan’s flavor; he felt the food was too sweet for him. After soaking in Tainan’s culture till now, sometimes when Masa Loft hold cater events, he would secretly add some sugar into cuisine to emphasize the unique taste of south.

The most charming part for him to feel Tainan, he would suggest to take more time on architecture. If you are looking for a cozy place to drink at night, Bar TCRC and Bar Barren Biergelden which selling various craft beer are YR’s recommendation.

Favorite Tainan Food: You can find anything you want on Guohua St.!

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