【在任何一座城市都得找到最適合自己的衣服店】- 金滿工作室
Avery was born in Tainan, recalling from his childhood memory, he discovered Tainan with his grandmother by taking bus touring around. He has built great sense of aesthetics since he was a kid, and he particularly has interest on old buildings and vintage. Avery doesn’t really have religious belief, before he opened his first shop, he has decided to move to Taipei and work in a design company, just before his departure, he imagined how the life will be after move and work in Taipei, he somehow hesitated if that’s what he really wants, so he went to temple and then gave himself an impossible mission which is, if he can find a suitable place for opening his own shop in Tainan, he would decline the job in Taipei. Miracle did really happen and Avery opened his first shop, selling vintage clothes and zakka. For him, each clothes has its own value, while those people called fashioned are mostly valueless. Avery doesn’t accept people to order couture, he only make clothes according to his preference, and only sells products he admires, Jinman is this kind of shop with personality.
During the time Avery studied Fashion Design in New York, he has enhanced his interests in observing people on the street. He says that once you stand in Times Square for ten minutes, you can meet people from all countries. You may meet Avery’s friends who devoted in different artistic area in Jinman, Avery does clothes design when the shop is opened, making desserts for tomorrow after their businesses time. In here, you can have a cup of coffee in front of Sex and City’s poster imaging you are seating at the corner of 5th avenue, or selecting the best outfit for Tainan.
Tainan Food that you must not missed: Pan-fried Taiwanese Meetball in Chongxue Morning Market, Marinated ground pork with rice in the intersection of Hai-an Rd and Minzu Rd.