Journey Life

24 2 月

《南聊》Avril Jewelry 璦薇兒

【姊妹倆的飾品夢想】- Avril Jewelry 璦薇兒
The No.2 container house across from: No.411, Kangle St., West Central Dist., Tainan City.
受訪人: Anna、Doris



一件飾品的製作往往需要花上二至三週的時間,除了提供有質感的配件給消費者外,Anna也不定期在各個空間舉辦課程,除了讓學員可以直接動手製作專屬於自己的配件外,也希望能傳遞「每項工藝的製作技法都需要時間,並且都有其專門領域之技術」的觀念。上一間店落腳在正興街的璦薇兒,2015年過年搬到康樂街以「貨櫃屋」方式展店,結合附近的鳳滷味、彩虹咖啡、Day Drink,不定期舉辦康樂街市集,串聯的不只是店家,也讓附近居民偶爾能在這熱鬧一下,促進鄰里感情。開業至今最大的挑戰除了平衡工作與生活外,同時也需維持兼具製作和零售的空間。2017年姊妹倆都期待更多元的合作機會,也希望推出新一系列的設計作品讓更多人能以平實的價格體驗到精緻的配件妝點每一天的生活。



Avril Jewelry started their accessories business ten years ago when they first selling in market. Avril Jewelry is a brand included Anna and Doris, their dream toward beauty and life. Anna studied commercial design in university, specializes in wax sculpture and metalwork’s jewelry designs, she likes action figures and enjoys finding collections in second-hand market, her creation muse mainly from daily life and personal preference. And for Doris, she likes things with strong fashion icon, in her free time; she likes to go traveling to set up balance in busy daily life. Seoul then therefore becomes her second home. Their differences make the brand diversity and charming.

Anna’s accessories design can be divided into separated collections, Rabbit one shows the connections between parents and children; plants collection and mineral collection. Many clients come to her to have special edition of accessories, there were people bring stones they collect during trips, shell being left after important cater or tooth of their beloved kids, for Anna it’s not only making accessories but also involved in other people’s life in an interesting and creative way.

The time it takes making one piece of accessory may takes around two or three weeks. Anna wants to deliver the message of how to make rather than only selling them so she occasionally holds classes in different spaces. Last shop of Avril Jewelry based on Zhengxing St., they moved to Kangle St. in 2015 appeared as a container house, and several shops join them later on. They hold market events once for a while and connect not only different brands but also provide something new for local people. “There will be more and more shops being connected for everyone who enjoys the city”, said by them.

Doris’s secret leisure recommendation: Shulin St., around 14:00-17:00; Shuei Jiao She Craft Village, Tainan stadium; Anna recommended Anping’s alleys adventure.

Their favorite food area: Shuixian Temple, Pao-an Temple and neighborhood of Cheng Kung University, particularly prefer rice cake and marinated ground pork with rice.


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