男生宿舍房 Male Dorm

Your Reservation
Check In
Check Out

男生宿舍房 Male Dorm

Start From$600.00 / Guest
公共衛浴 Public bath room ( Male & Female )
無線網路 Wifi
公共廚房 Public Kitchen
飲水機 Dispenser
行李寄放 Luggage keeping service需於當日晚間十點前領回,隔夜寄放酌收保管費 NT200/件

◉ 房價為浮動機制,請以系統公告為主 ◉

平日:$600/床 (週日至週四)

假日:$750/床 (週五、週六、連續假日前一晚)


▕   基於安全考量,宿舍房僅接待七歲以上住客

▕   現場付款支援Line Pay、Google Pay、Apple Pay

▕   採入住實名制,請每位入住者務必攜帶證件 (需有照片及身份證字號) 供前台人員登記 ▕

▕   不含早餐▕  毛巾、牙刷等盥洗用品需自備 (或可向櫃台購買)▕   公共衛浴 ▕   淋浴間備有沐浴乳、洗髮乳、吹風機  ▕ 


請於訂房後的三日內(含訂房當日)繳交 總房價30% 做為訂金,您可透過現金、信用卡、銀行轉帳/匯款支付,若使用轉帳/匯款方式請於完成後來電或e-mail告知帳號末五碼,訂單方可成立。

Please pay the deposit in three days after you booked the room( the day you booked included), you can pay the deposit via bank transfer, cash,credit card or paypal, the amount of the deposit is 30% of your total booking prices, please kindly provide the last five numbers of your account after you transfer,through e-mail or phone, after we confirm receiving the deposit, the reservation is successed.

匯款帳號:玉山銀行808 (東台南分行)  0761-940-032801



前七天取消訂房,全額退款 ;
前四至六天取消訂房,退款50% ;
< If you need to cancel the reservation,please let us know. >
If you cancel your reservation 7 days prior to your desired check-in date, you will receive full refund of your deposit.
If you cancel your reservation 4-6 days prior to your desired check-in date, you will be refunded 50% of your deposit.
If you cancel your reservation 2-3 days prior to your desired check-in date, you will be refunded 30% of your deposit.
If you cancel your reservation one day prior to your desired check-in date, you will be refunded 20% of your deposit.
If you cancel your reservation on your desired check-in date, you will be charged the full rate of accommodation.